Tráfico con _b first


With this intensive training of _b first, the ERP of the largest Logistics Operators, you will obtain the necessary knowledge and notions to enter the logistics sector, a good base to start your career in the sector.

Certification at the end of the course



Coverage of your logistics operations to the final customer The traceability of your operations from the moment they leave the customer’s house until they are delivered to the final destination. Automatically manage transitions between different modes of transport, subsidiaries, countries and currencies.



The Course is taught in web self-training modality.

The course is divided into LESSONS and these in turn into THEMES, you can do it in order or in free mode, the progress will be saved automatically and you will have access to the platform and certificates for life.

At the end of the Lessons there will be a TEST type test on the contents.

“These courses are alive” It is very possible that the information will be updated and expanded over time, keep an eye on it from time to time and keep your knowledge up to date 🙂


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